Jun 1, 2022

How to get attention, create a catchy offering and customize your follow-ups?

Everyone is trying to work hard, persistently and in full measure to get the deals done but unfortunately, they don’t invest in productivity and personal effectiveness in communication with future clients. Sometimes the problem is that the CEO and sales team are not ready to take additional steps due to either their plain laziness or lack of knowledge in sales. İn addition, the reason can be that they are not open to new techniques and technology implementation in the sales process.

Let’s try to check what we can do to change it and upgrade the process flow.

Let’s imagine that we are in the following situation:

1) We prepared a precise lead list of our future clients

2) We did daily management of email campaigns, our email templates looked perfect, the latest sales materials were updated, and we started getting replies working efficiently with concerns, making productive demo calls, and preparing the perfect commercial offering.

3) CRM homework was done and we wrote/called with precise and interesting follow-up messages and tried to get feedback from clients. Let's imagine that we were cool enough and had 3-7 messages with the follow-ups.

We did everything perfectly, successfully closed some deals, earned some money, and our commission allowed us to buy Lamborghini :) but we can see that 90% of our sales work that we did - remained “unanswered”. We can’t understand why our future prospective clients haven’t replied to us and we just close these deals as unsuccessful(.


Today we would like to share information about a product called Vidyard. These guys are from Canada and they prepared an outstanding solution for smart sales guys. You can find more options on their website but we would like to share their video examples so you can check and do your sales work much better. Also please arrange a demo with their sales guys because they can show you what is most relevant for your industry.

Briefly, why they are the best, and how this product can help you in sales:

1) When you have their plugin you can record videos with demonstrations of your product/service relevant cases and prepare custom proposition.

2) You can prepare your own sales materials video library which will be valuable for your every future client at each stage of your sales. You can simply insert a video in your email box and LinkedIn and 90% of your audience will check who this sender is and why he/she spent so much energy on me=)

3) This will show future clients that you are really interested to work with them, your product/solution is relevant and you prepare a custom offer that includes their concerns… and the last - you will stand out from your competitors and receive more chances to do business with them.

Hope that helps and be professional!

P.S. If you need any help with precise lead generation, email campaigns management, analytics, and value-based email templates or just want to have sales brainstorming session, please let us know. Our team delivers almost all sales steps for our partners and would love to share our expertise and help you too.

Slava Ukraini!